Kylee Wojak is a two-time JBMSHP participant and a current Actuarial Science major
Kylee Wojak was awarded the 2024 Joaquin Bustoz Memorial Mathematics Scholarship at the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) awards ceremony. Kylee attended the JBMSHP in 2022 and 2023, successfully completing both MAT 265: Calculus for Engineers I and CSE 110: Principles of Programming. She is a freshman Actuarial Sciences major at ASU and a member of the Associate of Women in Mathematics. Kylee aspires to become an Actuarial Analyst after graduation to make a meaningful impact in the field of risk assessment.
The Joaquin Bustoz Memorial Mathematics Scholarship is named in honor of Professor Joaquin Bustoz, who taught mathematics at Arizona State University from 1975-2003. The scholarship is offered in partnership with the Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program. Joaquin Bustoz’s defining characteristic was his passion not only for the field of mathematics but also for helping talented minority students achieve their full potential.
Donors can make a contribution to the Joaquin Bustoz Memorial Mathematics Scholarship Endowment at: https://www.asufoundation.org/colleges-and-programs/schools-and-colleges/the-college-of-liberal-arts-and-sciences/joaquin-bustoz-memorial-mathematics-scholarship-endowment-CA111012.html