JBMSHP staff attend the STEM PUSH Network convening
The JBMSHP staff attended the STEM PUSH Network convening in Pittsburgh, PA from September 17-20, 2024. JBMSHP Program Manager, Cindy Barragan Romero, and JBMSHP Coordinator, Ciera Duran, presented a session titled, "Empowering Youth: Integrating Their Voice in Program Decision-Making." The convening provides STEM PUSH Network partners an excellent opportunity to network with other pre-college STEM programs from across the country.
The STEM PUSH Network, an NSF INCLUDES Alliance, is working to leverage the power of pre-college STEM programs (PCSPs) to broaden participation of Black, Latina/o/e, and Indigenous students in STEM, and, together with its partners, create systemic change in higher education admissions. Learn more about the STEM PUSH Network: https://stempushnetwork.org/